
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

APPRECIATE: saddle shoes

Fashion's funny.

As the saying goes, sometimes it's 'in' and sometimes, it's 'out'. For example, saddle shoes, seemingly associated with nerds today, were sports kicks for almost everyone 50 years ago. We challenge you to find a photo from your childhood that doesn't both embarrass you, and delight you, based on what you were wearing.

Pocket Change would like to appreciate the fashions that we've seen before, seen go, and seen come back with new life. In fact, with a little graphic power, nerds could be the future of fashion.

-jules and nate.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Pocket Change is in the kitchen, again.

But this time, in honor of one of our top three favorite meals of the day, we're designing in appreciation of dinner. Check out these graphics of The Dinner Plate Collection. It's not about being what you eat, it's about being what you eat on.

Happy Thanksgiving from Pocket Change Design Collaborative!

-jules and nate.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Look for us on Facebook!

Our growing design firm now has its own Facebook page; find us by searching for 'Pocket Change Design Collaborative' and stay even more up to date.

After all, we never know what kind of project we'll end up with next...

Monday, November 19, 2012

APPRECIATE: identity

The idea came from a simple thought; finding change in your pocket puts a smile on your face.  Why not make design do the same thing?  We want design that everybody can understand, simple, pleasing, and appreciated by everyone.  Using change as a metaphor for our designs, often times change becomes a hassle, no one wants to carry it around because it becomes too overwhelming, and more often than not it becomes overlooked.  However, there are some instances, and these are the instances that we are shooting for, when you find change in your pocket that was forgotten.  That’s when you consider yourself 25 cents richer!  Our designs are trying to bring that simplicity to light for everybody.  Pocket Change is not just for other designers to appreciate, we want everybody to stumble upon our designs and smile.  It is that simple, just change in your pocket.  The bottom line: we want our designs to make your day.  

Cheers, Nate and Jules

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Pocket Change goes vintage!

A wedding invitation is the first impression. It's an introduction by the couple to the guest, stating the intended feeling for the event. It sets the tone, stirs the excitement, and most importantly, lets the wedding information be known.

For Chilean couple Carolina and Victor, the feeling was vintage for their January 2013 wedding. Pocket Change has created an invitation to match this theme, equipped with flapper style cartoons and faded colors.

...what feeling will you want for your wedding? PCDC can help!

-jules and nate.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


ABX is back for its 2012 season, which runs November 14-16. Pocket Change popped into room 161 of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center for "The 90-minute MBA for the emerging professional," a lecture by Jim Kimball of Phase Zero Design.

We're brushing up on our business skills here at PCDC, and advice for the day, straight from ABX: find what you're passionate about and do it!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

EVOLUTION: of a gingerbread house

PCDC is competing!

And we're doing it through gingerbread. That's right, this year the CDRC of Boston is hosting its first annual gingerbread house design competition. Entries will be on display at the BSA space November 26 - December 7.

After craft stores, supermarkets, coffee runs, and a big bowl of nachos, the Pocket Change team set to work. Prep included building a base, which the challenge defines as a 2'x2' board of plywood covered in tin foil. And OH YEAH, an exorbitant amount of gingerbread.

Though we're not done yet, we're making progress. Our Boston inspired model is due on Friday... much sugar!

-jules and nate.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

EVOLUTION: of a logo

It started out as an idea. And with any idea, there is always two directions: reality or fantasy. The only difference between these is who the idea takes with it. With fantasy, the idea takes only its thinker, but with reality, the idea shows itself to everyone. 

Pocket Change is our idea, and we want everyone to see it.

And like a baby or a plant or a puppy, or any other seemingly insignificant thing with the ability to live, an idea needs to evolve. 

Check out how our logo is evolving. 

-jules and nate.
